Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Deadline for Christmas Gifts for Ruth

Message from Jessie:

Just wanted to let you all know that the deadline for sending anything for Christmas to Ruth (the the little girl we sponsor in Peru) is Oct. 31. We can send bookmarks, stickers, pictures, letters, anything that won't change the shape of the envelope. They also recommend us sending an additonal $18 and they will buy gifts for her in Peru. If you have any questions on what items can be sent to her, contact Jessie.

Message from Dana:
If you think about all you will get for Christmas and the fact that all they need to buy this little girl's Christmas is $18 I'm sure it won't be that difficult for you all to come up with. Yes, that was a guilt trip. You should be used to it by now.

We love you all,

Jessie and Dana


Anna said...

you are so good at those guilt trip dana ;) haha anyway, would a picture of the youth group or anything like that be fine? i shall try to bring something sunday.

Anonymous said...

yea im gonna try to bring something sunday too...i think anna's idea about a youth group pic is a good idea! ; ) -sam