Wednesday, December 13, 2006

GCYM Update 12-13-06

GCYM Update 12-13-06

  • The GCYM Christmas Party will be held at the Herridges’ house this Sunday, Dec. 17, from 5-7 p.m.

  • Vanessa Herridge has suggested a “white elephant” gift exchange this year.  For this activity, each student will bring 1 wrapped gift to the party.  However, they are not allowed to spend any money on it.  It must be an item from around their house.  

  • The meat for the meal will be provided, however we still need people to sign up to bring Appetizers, Potato Dishes, Tossed Salad & Dressing, Salad (other than tossed), Green Vegetables, Vegetables (other than green), Bread, and Desserts.

  • Each student is also asked to bring a 2-liter drink to share.

  • The deadline for you to sign up for Winterfest OR take names off the list is January 20.  See the Winterfest post on the Youth Blog for more details.

  • The Powell Dinner and Devo for December will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20.

  • Due to the Powell Dinner, there will be no teen class on Dec. 20.

  • Due to the Powell Dinner, the Christmas Caroling that we had tentatively discussed with the teen for Dec. 15 is cancelled.

For the most current info, visit the youth blog at:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Kingdom Assignment Video

The concluding video for our "Kingdom Assignment" project

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

GCYM Update 12-6-06

GCYM Update 12-6-06

  • Winterfest info has been mailed to you and is also posted on the youth blog.

  • Winterfest Sign-ups start tonight

  • The GCYM Christmas Party will be held at the Herridges’ house on Dec. 17, from 5-7 p.m.

  • Vanessa Herridge has suggested a “white elephant” gift exchange this year.  For this activity, each student will bring 1 wrapped gift to the party.  However, they are not allowed to spend any money on it.  It must be an item from around their house.  

  • The meat for the meal will be provided, however there is a sign up sheet for Appetizers, Potato Dishes, Tossed Salad & Dressing, Salad (other than tossed), Green Vegetables, Vegetables (other than green), Bread, and Desserts.

  • Each student is also asked to bring a 2-liter drink to share.

  • Teens meet for class at the student center on the 1st-3rd Wednesdays of each month.  On the 4th Wednesday, teens attend P.T. in the Fellowship Hall.

  • All Teens will meet in the auditorium during our regular Sunday School time this week for the Kingdom Assignment presentation

  • Teens will meet for “Revolution” this Sunday Night from 5-7 p.m. at the Student Center.

For the most current info, visit the youth blog at:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

GCYM Winterfest 2007

GCYM Winterfest 2007 Info.

  • Dates:  Feb 16-18, 2007

  • Location:  Gatlinburg, TN

  • We will be traveling by charter bus.  We will leave at 7 a.m. on the 16th from the Grand Central Church Building

  • We will return late on the 18th.  (difficult to estimate an exact time this far in advance)

  • We will be staying at the Royal Townhouse (same as last year)

  • The Concert this year is by Jars of Clay

  • Costs:

  • Mandatory

  • $35 –Hotel

  • $21—Winterfest Passes

  • Optional/Extra

  • $10—Concert Tickets

  • $10—T-Shirt

  • Meals—This trip will involve 6 meals.  (We will provide a light breakfast on the two mornings we are in Gatlinburg, and we are assuming that you will eat breakfast before you get on the bus on Friday).  Because Gatlinburg is a Tourist area, you should figure that each meal will be slightly more expensive than a fast food meal at home.  Students will be responsible for keeping up with their own meal money.

  • Our deadline for signing up for this trip is Wednesday, January 24.

  • Please note that this is also the deadline for taking your name off the list if you sign up.  After this point, we will have committed to pay for your Winterfest tickets and hotel room and you will still be asked to keep your financial obligation.