Wednesday, December 13, 2006

GCYM Update 12-13-06

GCYM Update 12-13-06

  • The GCYM Christmas Party will be held at the Herridges’ house this Sunday, Dec. 17, from 5-7 p.m.

  • Vanessa Herridge has suggested a “white elephant” gift exchange this year.  For this activity, each student will bring 1 wrapped gift to the party.  However, they are not allowed to spend any money on it.  It must be an item from around their house.  

  • The meat for the meal will be provided, however we still need people to sign up to bring Appetizers, Potato Dishes, Tossed Salad & Dressing, Salad (other than tossed), Green Vegetables, Vegetables (other than green), Bread, and Desserts.

  • Each student is also asked to bring a 2-liter drink to share.

  • The deadline for you to sign up for Winterfest OR take names off the list is January 20.  See the Winterfest post on the Youth Blog for more details.

  • The Powell Dinner and Devo for December will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20.

  • Due to the Powell Dinner, there will be no teen class on Dec. 20.

  • Due to the Powell Dinner, the Christmas Caroling that we had tentatively discussed with the teen for Dec. 15 is cancelled.

For the most current info, visit the youth blog at:

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Kingdom Assignment Video

The concluding video for our "Kingdom Assignment" project

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

GCYM Update 12-6-06

GCYM Update 12-6-06

  • Winterfest info has been mailed to you and is also posted on the youth blog.

  • Winterfest Sign-ups start tonight

  • The GCYM Christmas Party will be held at the Herridges’ house on Dec. 17, from 5-7 p.m.

  • Vanessa Herridge has suggested a “white elephant” gift exchange this year.  For this activity, each student will bring 1 wrapped gift to the party.  However, they are not allowed to spend any money on it.  It must be an item from around their house.  

  • The meat for the meal will be provided, however there is a sign up sheet for Appetizers, Potato Dishes, Tossed Salad & Dressing, Salad (other than tossed), Green Vegetables, Vegetables (other than green), Bread, and Desserts.

  • Each student is also asked to bring a 2-liter drink to share.

  • Teens meet for class at the student center on the 1st-3rd Wednesdays of each month.  On the 4th Wednesday, teens attend P.T. in the Fellowship Hall.

  • All Teens will meet in the auditorium during our regular Sunday School time this week for the Kingdom Assignment presentation

  • Teens will meet for “Revolution” this Sunday Night from 5-7 p.m. at the Student Center.

For the most current info, visit the youth blog at:

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

GCYM Winterfest 2007

GCYM Winterfest 2007 Info.

  • Dates:  Feb 16-18, 2007

  • Location:  Gatlinburg, TN

  • We will be traveling by charter bus.  We will leave at 7 a.m. on the 16th from the Grand Central Church Building

  • We will return late on the 18th.  (difficult to estimate an exact time this far in advance)

  • We will be staying at the Royal Townhouse (same as last year)

  • The Concert this year is by Jars of Clay

  • Costs:

  • Mandatory

  • $35 –Hotel

  • $21—Winterfest Passes

  • Optional/Extra

  • $10—Concert Tickets

  • $10—T-Shirt

  • Meals—This trip will involve 6 meals.  (We will provide a light breakfast on the two mornings we are in Gatlinburg, and we are assuming that you will eat breakfast before you get on the bus on Friday).  Because Gatlinburg is a Tourist area, you should figure that each meal will be slightly more expensive than a fast food meal at home.  Students will be responsible for keeping up with their own meal money.

  • Our deadline for signing up for this trip is Wednesday, January 24.

  • Please note that this is also the deadline for taking your name off the list if you sign up.  After this point, we will have committed to pay for your Winterfest tickets and hotel room and you will still be asked to keep your financial obligation.  


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Weekly Update 11-29-06

  • Remember TAG @ Powell every Thursday Night

  • The GCYM Christmas Party has been scheduledfor Dec. 17 @ the Herridge's house. More detailsto come.
  • There will be no Heart 2 Heart at least untilJanuary.

  • Look for an info packet on Winterfest '07 to bemailed out soon.

  • Parent: Looking for a few Christmas gifts thatwould encourage Spiritual Growth? Check out theGCYM Blog. We've posted a few suggestions,(click on the link on the right sidebar forsuggestions)
Teens go to P.T. on the 4th Wednesday of each month. (Tonight is the 5th Wednesday, so they are in class.)
In December, we will meet for "Revolution" on the 3rd and the 10th from 5-7 p.m.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Update: Heart 2 Heart & Belpre Youth Rally

Heart 2 Heart has been canceled at least until January.

The Belpre Youth Rally is this weekend.
Cost is $25 due ASAP
We will meet at the Fountain at OVU
Friday 6:45 p.m.
Saturday 8:45 a.m. (Lunch provided)
Sunday 8:45 a.m. (Lunch provided)


Friday, November 03, 2006


Don't forget 5th Quarter tonight @ 9 p.m. (or after the Williamstown game). Bring a couple of dollars to offset the cost of snacks.

Don't forget RALLY at OVU this Sunday night! You can come hang out at the GCYM Student Center at 5 and we'll take our bus over at 5:45. The event starts at 6 in the OVU chapel. Don't forget that your parents should pick you up at OVU at 7:30.

If you are going to the Mercy Me/Audio Adrenaline Concert on Thursday, Nov 9th., we will be leaving from the church building at 4 p.m. Bring money for a fast food dinner. We will be traveling in the church bus unless someone wants to volunteer their mini vans so we can park a little easier (your gas would be covered).


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Missional Retreat Schedule and Childcare Meeting

Be sure to scroll down and read the post about Ruth if you haven't already

Here is the schedule for the missional retreat via Eric Bucklin:

Schedule Overview:

Arrive on Friday night—Ice breaker games, snacks, devotional, and a late pizza run. The guys will be sleeping at the youth house and the girls are scheduled to sleep over at the youth minister’s house. Saturday morning meet together for a breakfast at the youth house and the day is filled with events, food, etc . . . For dinner that evening all the youth are scheduled to break away with their host families to get to know them and store their stuff at the individual homes. For Saturday night we will sleep in host families’ homes. After host family’s dinner/introduction/luggage storage we will get back together for we have events planned together until around 10PM. Then when finished all youth will spend the night at those homes to sleep well and prepare for Sunday morning classes and services the next day. The event will be ending after worshipping together with the entire body at Grand Central COC.

Don't forget that there is a meeting tonight from 7-7:30 downstairs in the church building for those of you who are helping with Sunday evening's childcare. Everyone else is to attend P.T. in the fellowship hall.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Deadline for Christmas Gifts for Ruth

Message from Jessie:

Just wanted to let you all know that the deadline for sending anything for Christmas to Ruth (the the little girl we sponsor in Peru) is Oct. 31. We can send bookmarks, stickers, pictures, letters, anything that won't change the shape of the envelope. They also recommend us sending an additonal $18 and they will buy gifts for her in Peru. If you have any questions on what items can be sent to her, contact Jessie.

Message from Dana:
If you think about all you will get for Christmas and the fact that all they need to buy this little girl's Christmas is $18 I'm sure it won't be that difficult for you all to come up with. Yes, that was a guilt trip. You should be used to it by now.

We love you all,

Jessie and Dana

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Concert, anyone?

Mercy Me will appear in concert with Audio Adrenaline & Phil Wickham in the Municipal Auditorium on Thursday, November 9th at 7:30 p.m.

The available tickets are $21. If you are going, you need to sign up and turn in your money by Sunday, Oct. 15. I'll be ordering the tickets on Oct. 16th. Let me know ASAP.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October Update Part 1

RALLY--Oct. 8th, 6 p.m. @ OVU
Speaker: Jake Kaufman
Worship Leaders: Seth Miller and Adam Ellis

RALLY will be a unique worship gathering designed specifically to connect the hearts of teenagers with their God.

We will meet at the GCYM Student Center at 5 p.m. We will take the van to OVU around 6 p.m. for Rally. Parents are asked to pick students up at OVU by 7:30 p.m.

5th Quarter--Friday, Oct. 6, @ 9 p.m.
At the GCYM Student Center
Organized by Ryan Ice and Jeff Harper

Heart 2 Heart--Tuesday, Oct. 10, @ 7 p.m.
At the GCYM Student Center
We are studying the book "The Last Eyewitness: The Final Week" by Chris Seay. This is a fresh translation of John 13-21. You can get the book on Amazon or I can get them cheap directly from the publisher. I will provide xerox copies of the reading for those who don't have books. Before you come this time, try to have read pages 1-21.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

PT Tonight and Next Wed.

Teens will meet in P.T. (auditorium) tonight for Sam and J.T.'s presentation on Honduras. Teens will also meet in P.T. next week (as refected on the calendar).


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Revolution and Heart 2 Heart


This is a reminder about Revolution the new teen oriented worship service we will be starting at the GCYM Student Center this Sunday from 5-7 p.m. Dinner will be provided this week. Bring your friends.

Heart 2 Heart

At your request, Heart 2 Heart has been converted into a Bible Study. We will be using the book "The Last Eyewitness: The Final Week" by Chris Seay to guide our study. You may order the book using the links on the website or xerox copies of relevant chapters will be provided to students. Below are a couple of video clips we used in the introductory session.

Monday, September 11, 2006


e·thos (ths) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "ethos" [P]
The disposition, character, or fundamental values peculiar to a specific person, people, culture, or movement: “They cultivated a subversive alternative ethos” (Anthony Burgess).

[Greek thos, character. See s(w)e- in Indo-European Roots.]

ethos. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved September 11, 2006, from website:

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fall Schedule (also see link to calendar on sidebar)

We are sending out this calendar a little late because we were waiting for confirmation on a few things relating to our missional retreat (more below). This fall we are intentionally trying to focus all aspects of our ministry towards what we hope to be doing/producing. Because of this you’ll find that some programs/events have been renamed and some events/programs have changed in terms of format. We have also added a few things. Below you’ll find a short description of each event or program. You will receive reminders that will include times, etc if they are not listed below.

· Student Center—“Youth House” just seems like a clunky term. From here on out we will refer to it as the GCYM Student Center.

· Class—these are our normal Sunday school classes. They are normally split into Jr. High and Sr. High. Both classes meet in the GCYM Student Center.

· Ethos—This is our Wednesday night teen gathering. It has been renamed to communicate it’s function. We are building a culture (or counter-culture), instilling a worldview, and building community. Class topics and format will reflect this goal. Adam will normally teach 3 week series as a part of Ethos.

· P.T.—Teens will attend P.T. on the last Wednesday of each month. This is a change from our previous schedule of the 1st Wednesday of each month.

· Heart to Heart—Heart to Heart will now be a Bible Study. Many students have been asking for a textual study, so we are changing the format of this event to meet that need. H2H will meet on the second and forth Tuesday of each month from 7-8:30 p.m. at the GCYM Student Center

· New Orleans Presentation—On Sept. 17, a presentation about the New Orleans Mission Trip will be shown as a part of the Sunday morning Worship Assembly. Adam will also be speaking on a related topic that morning.

· Revolution—This will be our Sunday Night Teen Worship Gathering. This is meant to be an entry level event, to which we are really encouraging teens to bring their friends. Praise and Worship, a short lesson (usually by Adam), and hang out time. 5-7 p.m. at the GCYM Student Center

· 5th Quarter—Due to the expressed interest from our teens, we are tentatively planning 2 Fifth Quarters this fall on Oct 6th and Nov. 3rd, from (roughly) 9:30 p.m.-12 a.m. The success of these events will depend heavily on adults and teens who volunteer to help put them on.

· Missional Retreat—Normally, retreats are times of inward focus. This time we are trying something different. Our group will be hosting a weekend event for another group. More details to come. See Eric Bucklin for more info.

· Belpre Youth Rally—This annual youth rally will be held on Nov. 17-18. More details as we get them.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday, August 9th

Tonight, the teens will meet at the youth house for class. Adam will be beginning a series called "The End of the World (as we know it)"

Several of us are going to see the movie "World Trade Center" tonight at either 9:45 in Marietta or 10:25 in Vienna (we'll decide when we find out who's going0. Click Here for a review. I have attached a trailer below:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

New Orleans Wed/Thurs

Click to view (there are more pics than shown here. CLICK HERE for the set). Heading home in the morning.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

New Orleans Tuesday

Click on pics to view.

New Orleans Monday Site 2

Click to view.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

New Orleans Sunday

Check back tomorrow night for work pics.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

New Orleans Arrival

Parents, Friends, and Church Family,
We have arrived and are getting settled in. We arrived around lunch time and have been mostly taking it easy (though most of us did take our first M.A.S.H. style showers after we got here). No pics today. They'd be pretty boring anyway...mostly on the bus. Check back tomorrow for pics from our trip to the French Quarter, etc, and then check back starting monday for work pics.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Final New Orleans Trip Info

Travel Details:
Going there:
o We plan on leaving at 6 p.m. on Friday, July 28th from the church building
o We should arrive at the Tammany Oaks Church building somewhere around lunch time on Saturday.
o You should plan for up to 2 meals on the way to Tammany Oaks (breakfast and probably lunch), but you should eat dinner before we leave.
o We will be traveling on a charter bus with a professional driver. Also, we will be changing drivers along the way so that one driver will not be driving the entire way.
Coming back:
o We plan on leaving Tammany Oaks (Mandeville), at 8 a.m., on Friday, August 4th.
o This should put us arriving at Grand Central in the (very) early morning hours of Saturday, Aug. 5th. (We figure this will be alright since you will be anxious to see your kids and they will be anxious to rest in their own beds)
o You should plan for 2 meals on the way home (lunch and dinner). We will eat breakfast at Tammany Oaks before we leave.
The cost of the trip is $274. This cost is significantly reduced if you participated in fundraisers. This money should be turned in as soon as possible. If you are unclear on how much you actually owe, see Adam or Dana.
• Also, if you have been unable to raise all of your money, see Adam and Dana as soon as possible. We want you to go on this trip and will help make it possible.
• Your $50-$100 spending money is to cover your meals while we are traveling and our day trip (meal, souvenirs, etc.) on Sunday. This money will not be turned in to us. Each individual is responsible for their own spending money.
Adam’s Cell: 304-210-8949
• Dana’s Cell: 304-210-8944
• Bruce Cox (Operations Manager): 985-373-5504
• Renee Ramsey (Volunteer Coordinator): 985-264-0947
Misc. Info
You will need to turn in your “Volunteer Sign-In” form to Adam or Dana before we leave (adults too). You may download one from the youth blog ( or get one from Adam.
• We are strongly recommending work boots and jeans for the work sites (check Steve and Barry’s to get these items cheap). Tammany Oaks will provide shirts for the workday. The “jeans” thing is not a moral/modesty type rule. This is about safety. You may wear more casual (though modest) shorts, etc. in the evenings. We will be attending Tammany Oaks Worship service on Sunday morning, but the dress is casual.
• Also, you will want some sort of sandals for the shower.
• Tammany Oaks has air mattresses available, but if you have your own, it might not be a bad idea to bring it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Olreans Trip Form and Info

Below are links to the New Orleans Volunteer Sign-In Sheet and two other informational files (all files are Word files). If you don't remember filling out a form, then you probably didn't. Please fill it out and turn it in ASAP.

for Volunteer Sign In Sheet

CLICK HERE for "What to Bring"

for Volunteer Guidelines

The following is a list of those participating:
1. Brandon Bucklin
2. Matthew Bucklin
3. Lindsey Knost
4. Matthew Jonas
5. Nicole Wooten
6. John Wooten
7. Ceyleigh Wooten
8. Sam Butterfield
9. J.T Spivy
10 Marcie Uhl
11.Garrett Harper
12.Rachel Craddock
13.Candice Miller
14. Madison Pavan?
15. Jenna Pavan?
16. Anna Spivy
17. Lane Knost
18. Carissa Bucklin
19. Eric Bucklin
20. Ryan Ice
21. Jessie Ice
22. Susan Ryan
23. Adam Ellis
24. Dana Ellis
25. Doug Reeder
26. Kathy Reeder


Friday, July 14, 2006

Matisyahu Beatbox Clips for Jake, Evan, and Shae

Matisyahu Beatbox clips for Jake, Shae and Evan

Friday, June 30, 2006

WorkCamp '06: While You Were Out

CLICK HERE for David Fraze's Lessons from Tuesday and Wednesday Nights ("Legacy" and "The Chair").


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer Events Update

Here's the Summer Events Update that is being mailed to your parents this week. Be sure to download the summer calender from the sidebar.


  • Summer Blast Off Party—June 16th—This event is similar to a game night, but is designed specifically to welcome the upcoming 7th graders into the group. This event will be held at the youth house and we request that all teens, with the exception of upcoming 7th graders, bring $3 do help with snacks.
  • Mid-Ohio Valley Workcamp—June 18-23—Sign ups are already closed out on this event and you should already have all of the info. Cost is $60, and more info can be found at
  • Mystery Mission Trip—July 8-14—This trip is the brainchild of our intern, Ryan Ice. Not much can be said in the way of details, because most of them are a part of the “mystery”. However, we can say that it will be similar to the vbs style mission trips the Grand Central Youth Ministry has done in the past. Cost is $25. See Ryan for more details (though he may not tell them to you…it’s a mystery)
  • Mountaineer Christian Youth Camp—July 16-21—We know that there are many camps in the area that are attended by teens from Grand Central. We also know that people tend to be fiercely loyal to the camp they have grown up attending. However, our own minister, Joe Spivy, is the director of this particular camp. Please consider attending Joe’s week of camp for a life changing experience. Cost is $100
  • SonTreasure Island VBS—July 23-26—This is Grand Central’s VBS program for the summer of 2006. We are strongly encouraging our teens to help make this event everything it can be. With all of the skills our teens have developed doing VBS for other churches on mission trips over the years, we should be able to contribute to making GC’s VBS an overwhelming success.
  • New Orleans Mission Trip—July 28-Aug 5—We will be partnering in the hurricane relief work that is being organized by the Tammany Oaks congregation in Mandeville, Louisiana. We will be traveling by charter bus. The cost for this trip is $274 per person. We recommend another $50-$100 for meals during travel and one meal out. Sign Ups are officially closed for this event (but if you or your teen still wanted to go, Adam would probably let you in).

Ongoing Events/Programs

  • Sunday School—Teen classes will continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the youth house for the hour before our worship assemblies.
  • Small Groups—The teens have been split into small groups that will be meeting in host homes for the summer. You should have already received a mailing regarding the details.
  • Wednesday Night Classes—We will continue to meet for class in the youth house on Wednesday Nights. Teens will go to P.T. in the fellowship hall instead of class on the first Wednesday of each month and also when most of the group is on a church related trip.
  • TAG at Powell—Our teens will continue the TAG program at Powell Apartments on Thursday Nights through the summer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sam's Birthday!

Sam's birthday is this Friday (June 2). Anyone who would like to come is invited to have dinner at Applebee's. We're meeting there at 4:30. Afterwards we will be going to the auction. After the auction we're going to have a party for Sam at the youth house. You may want to call Sam and tell her if you're planning on going to Applebee's (just so she knows how many are coming).

Much Love


Friday, May 26, 2006

More updates and a couple of calendar corrections

  • Game Night tonight at the youth house. 7-10 p.m. $3 donation requested to help with snacks.
  • Powell night this Sunday night.
  • The parents' meeting has been moved from Sunday, June 11, to Wednesday, June 14 at 6 p.m. at the youth house
  • The "Welcome to Youth Ministry" Game night (to welcome the 6th graders) has been moved from June 9th to June 16th
  • This Monday Heart to Heart will be held at Williamstown Park from 5-7 p.m. We plan on playing volleyball. Bring your own food (sack supper, drive thru food, etc.)

Thursday, May 11, 2006


  • OVU Lock-In this weekend. Meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Have your parents pick you up at 8 a.m. on Saturday at the SAC. Cost: $10
  • Sign-up Deadline for WorkCamp, New Orleans Mission Trip, and Mystery Mission trip is Sunday, May 21st.
  • Forms and Money for WorkCamp are also due Sunday, May 21st.
  • Graduation Sunday is May 21st.
Call or email Adam if you have any questions.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Important Update

Wednesday Night

· This Wednesday night, Teens will be in PT, HOWEVER, the teens will meet at 7p.m. at the youth house for a short (15 minute) but important meeting, and then go to PT from there.

o In this meeting we will discuss: what happened w/ the 36th St. Youth Rally, Mission Trip update and Fundraising/Price reduction opportunities, and general updates.


· You should have received an info packet on Workcamp with registration forms a couple of weeks ago. We don’t need to tell you what a great opportunity to serve and what a great experience Workcamp is. Please get those forms in to us as soon as possible. Workcamp won’t be the same without you, and you won’t be the same after Workcamp.

Friend Day

· Please remember Grand Central’s Friend Day this Sunday (May 7th). The challenge has been made for each member of GC to invite 5 friends. This challenge applies to you as well. Show them how it’s done.


Monday, April 24, 2006

A couple of reminders.

1. Heart 2 Heart will meet tonight at 7 p.m. at the youth house. Tonight H2H will be led by Ryan Ice (it's Adam and Dana's 7th Anniversary).

2. Wednesday Night at 6 p.m. there will be an important mission trip meeting at the Youth House. This meeting is for teens, parents, and any other adults or college students who are interested in going. Please attend this meeting.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Here's the update we just sent out to parents. (A few dates have been edited. check for red font) ( New Calendar Available on The Sidebar)

Dear Parent,
I apologize for the tardiness of this update. A few things beyond my control were still up in the air, and I didn’t want to give you incorrect info. Again, I highly recommend that you visit our blog and subscribe by entering your email address in the appropriate form. If you do this you will receive regular updates. I have enclosed the updated calendar for the next 3 months. Note: some things are different than the tentative calendar you received at the parent meeting.

A few things I’d like to highlight:

  • The Jr. Youth Rally will be held on April 22. We will need teens to help with this event as well as set up in the days leading up to it.

  • There will be a Mission Trip Meeting (New Orleans) on April 26 at 6 p.m. This meeting is for teens and adults who are interested in going on this trip. We will give more detail and begin to solidify who is actually going.

  • We will have a youth house workday on June 3. We need teens and adults to help us paint upstairs and put some finishing touches on the youth house.

  • OVU will be hosting a lock-in on May 12-13. They are planning some interesting new things for the program that look quite promising to me.

  • Graduation Sunday will be held on May 21. If you are the parent of a graduating student, we need your pictures as soon as possible. Garrett Harper has agreed to put together the slide show for us, but we need to show our appreciation by giving him as much time as possible to work on it. Also, please remember that you will need to set up a table in the foyer for your graduating student before Graduation Sunday.

  • We will be hosting a Youth Ministry Game Night on May 26th at the Youth House.

  • We will be hosting a Summer Blast Off Party on June 9 at the Youth House. This even will also serve as a “Welcome to the Youth Ministry” event for students graduating 6th grade.

  • There will be a parent meeting on June 11th. This meeting will be much shorter than the last meeting and will be mostly informational. We are rethinking our approach to adult leadership which will slightly change the nature of these meetings.

  • Mid Ohio Valley Workcamp will be held June 18-23. We have enclosed the registration and health forms for your student. Please help us by filling out these forms if they are planning on participating (and by encouraging them to participate). These forms are due by May 17 (no exceptions).
Small Groups:

  • The majority of the teens (Jr. & Sr. High) will be meeting at the Youth House on Sunday Nights at 5:30.

  • A much smaller group will be meeting in a group discussing financial issues (in the context of faith, of course) led by Doug Reeder. This group will meet at Doug’s house. He will be contacting the teens in the next two weeks with the details of when it will start, etc.

Upcoming events:

  • We are thinking about going to “Spirit Song” at Kings Island on July 7-8. This is a Christian Music Festival plus and amusement park trip. This is by no means definite at this point.

  • We plan on making a big push for the week of camp that Joe directs in July. Please encourage your teen to consider going. It would be great if we had a big group go together

  • Ryan Ice (who has agreed to serve again as our intern for the summer) will be heading up an additional Mystery Mission Trip. It is open to everyone, but is an especially good option for those who can’t go on the New Orleans Trip.


  • We encourage you to check out what your teens are being taught. Most of our Wednesday Night Classes are available for you to listen to or download at . If you don’t have internet access or have trouble listening online, we will be happen to provide the lessons for you on CD.

Adam Ellis
Youth Minister
Grand Central Church of Christ
Cell: 304-210-8949

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Birthday Lunch

Hi all! Well as some of you may know, my birthday is this Friday. If you can make it, I wanted to get some of us together to eat lunch at Applebee's. We'll meet at 1:30 and hopefully I'll have us a big table. I was planning on just having the girls, but if anyone else wants to come you are more than welcome. If you can tell me before Friday whether you can come or not I would appreciate it. I just want to make sure I get enough seats. =) Most of you probably have my phone number, so just call me.

Much Love,


Crowder/Third Day Concert Details

We will be leaving at 4:30 p.m. from the church building on Thursday (Apr. 13). You will need to pay the remaining money you owe for your tickets before we leave. Tickets are $24, but most of you should have already payed a $10 deposit. You will also need money for a fast food meal on the way to Charleston. We will be taking the Church Bus and a couple of people have agreed to drive mini vans. Call me if you have any questions

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Girls Retreat

Well, we had a great weekend together. We had great chaperones, the girls were great, and everyone chipped in and did more than their part. Thank you to Megan for her hard work and some great lessons.

Some of you still owe me money :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Continuing Drama of the Crowder/Third Day Concert

Just so you know...the concert is still on...but with a couple of changes.

I got a call this morning from the venue in Beckley. They said something like "oh yeah, the concert has been cancelled and rescheduled for the same day in Charleston at 7:30...but my tickets weren't good any more and they were refunding my money. I spent this morning on the phone getting new tickets. I really hope we enjoy this concert, because it has been a lot of work. ;)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Updates (MAJOR EDIT!!!)

  • Heart 2 Heart is tonight at 7 pm at the Ellis' house
  • Teens will go to P.T. in the Fellowship Hall This Wednesday Night.
  • Adam is speaking at Rally In The Valley at OVU this Friday Night. If you would like to go, we will meet at the fountain at 6:45 p.m. The event starts at 7 p.m.
  • EDIT!!!! The Third Day Crowder Concert is back on! The venue called me today and released the tickets. We called everyone we could get on the phone who had signed up (though we couldn't reach some of you). We ordered the original number of tickets, so if we didn't get in touch with you and for some reason you are not able to go, let us know as soon as possible so that we can sell your ticket to someone else.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Chili Supper Fundraiser

We will be having our first fund raiser for mission trip April 1, 2006 beginning at 6pm in the fellowship hall. We will be having a chili cook off, silent auction and entertainment.

Since this is a fund raiser and you are a parent of a teen or a person who has expressed interest in going on mission trip this year, we are asking that you bring a crock pot of chili, cornbread, simple dessert and a 2 liter. If you have more than one teen in the youth group just bring a little extra or maybe two 2-liters. Please have your items in the fellowship hall by 5:30. Don’t forget to put your name on the bottom of your crock pot for the contest. We will have a small prize for the winner for the best chili. You can make any type of chili you want.

We want all the teens at the building by 3:30 and we will have a list of things that must be done before, during, and after the fund raiser. If you are interested in raising funds to go on this mission trip you should be present in order to ensure you get your part of the profits from this event.

We are opening this up to congregation anyone who is interested in being a part of the chili contest is welcome to make a crock pot of chili and enter our cook off. Also, if you would like to donate something for our silent auction please let me, Lorrie Miller or Ronda Harper know as soon as possible.

We will be asking a $20 a family or $5 a person donation. Adam will be at the entrance gladly accepting the donations. We would like to know in advance if you are going to be participating in this, please let one of us know as soon as possible.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bowling on Monday

We will be bowling on Monday at Emmerson Lanes at 2:00 p.m. The cost will be $8.50 for 3 games (this includes shoe rental). Let me know if you can go (there will be a sign up list on Sunday).

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Happily Ever After" Girls Retreat

We will leave for the girl's retreat April 7 and return on the 9th. It will be in Deep Creek Maryland. The cost is $30. If you want to go, I need to know soon.

Love from Above,


Saturday, March 11, 2006

4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Game Night

The Night was lots of fun. The Junior High teens did a great job hosting the night and welcoming in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade!! Great Job You Guys!

Friday, March 10, 2006

GCYM Blog Wordcloud

Hey I ran across this WordCloud generator that you can use on you blog and I thought it was kind of cool. You should be able to use it for blogger, xanga, or whatever. CLICK HERE if you want to try it on yours.