Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Missional Retreat Schedule and Childcare Meeting

Be sure to scroll down and read the post about Ruth if you haven't already

Here is the schedule for the missional retreat via Eric Bucklin:

Schedule Overview:

Arrive on Friday night—Ice breaker games, snacks, devotional, and a late pizza run. The guys will be sleeping at the youth house and the girls are scheduled to sleep over at the youth minister’s house. Saturday morning meet together for a breakfast at the youth house and the day is filled with events, food, etc . . . For dinner that evening all the youth are scheduled to break away with their host families to get to know them and store their stuff at the individual homes. For Saturday night we will sleep in host families’ homes. After host family’s dinner/introduction/luggage storage we will get back together for we have events planned together until around 10PM. Then when finished all youth will spend the night at those homes to sleep well and prepare for Sunday morning classes and services the next day. The event will be ending after worshipping together with the entire body at Grand Central COC.

Don't forget that there is a meeting tonight from 7-7:30 downstairs in the church building for those of you who are helping with Sunday evening's childcare. Everyone else is to attend P.T. in the fellowship hall.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Deadline for Christmas Gifts for Ruth

Message from Jessie:

Just wanted to let you all know that the deadline for sending anything for Christmas to Ruth (the the little girl we sponsor in Peru) is Oct. 31. We can send bookmarks, stickers, pictures, letters, anything that won't change the shape of the envelope. They also recommend us sending an additonal $18 and they will buy gifts for her in Peru. If you have any questions on what items can be sent to her, contact Jessie.

Message from Dana:
If you think about all you will get for Christmas and the fact that all they need to buy this little girl's Christmas is $18 I'm sure it won't be that difficult for you all to come up with. Yes, that was a guilt trip. You should be used to it by now.

We love you all,

Jessie and Dana

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Concert, anyone?

Mercy Me will appear in concert with Audio Adrenaline & Phil Wickham in the Municipal Auditorium on Thursday, November 9th at 7:30 p.m.

The available tickets are $21. If you are going, you need to sign up and turn in your money by Sunday, Oct. 15. I'll be ordering the tickets on Oct. 16th. Let me know ASAP.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October Update Part 1

RALLY--Oct. 8th, 6 p.m. @ OVU
Speaker: Jake Kaufman
Worship Leaders: Seth Miller and Adam Ellis

RALLY will be a unique worship gathering designed specifically to connect the hearts of teenagers with their God.

We will meet at the GCYM Student Center at 5 p.m. We will take the van to OVU around 6 p.m. for Rally. Parents are asked to pick students up at OVU by 7:30 p.m.

5th Quarter--Friday, Oct. 6, @ 9 p.m.
At the GCYM Student Center
Organized by Ryan Ice and Jeff Harper

Heart 2 Heart--Tuesday, Oct. 10, @ 7 p.m.
At the GCYM Student Center
We are studying the book "The Last Eyewitness: The Final Week" by Chris Seay. This is a fresh translation of John 13-21. You can get the book on Amazon or I can get them cheap directly from the publisher. I will provide xerox copies of the reading for those who don't have books. Before you come this time, try to have read pages 1-21.