Parents and Teens,
I hope you are enjoying the spring weather. I know my family is. This letter is to update and inform you of current happenings within our student ministry and of upcoming events.
First of all, I wanted to remind you that we are encouraging the teens to attend the OVU lectures with their parents this Sunday night. The speaker is Harold Shank, who is the author of the book “Up Close and Personal: Embracing the Poor”, which was studied by several of our students in relation to the Powell Ministry. His topic will be “Making Disciples of our Children”. It is our opinion that it will be extremely beneficial for parents and teens to attend this together.
Secondly, a couple of weeks ago, I gave the teens an application and commitment contract to become a part of a teen board that will help plan activities and events within our student ministry program. If your teen wants to be a part of this group, they must feel out the information sheet. Please help your child with these forms and contact me if you have any questions concerning this matter. I need these back as soon as possible.
I know that some of you are going out of town for spring break but, for those of you that are planning on being here, we have planned a few activities. I have attached a schedule of those activities. Even though the teens will be home during the day, I have planned most activities in the evening to avoid any problems with transporting them since many of you will be at work.
We are currently working on planning calendars for the spring and summer. We will get those to you as soon as possible but are waiting to be able to have the input from the teens from the teen board discussed above.
The spring retreat is scheduled for May 18th-19th at Rippling Waters Campground. The cost will be $15. More details to come.
In Him,
Adam Ellis
Youth Minister
Grand Central Student Ministry Spring Break Schedule
· Monday April 2-- Bowling at Emerson Lanes 2-4 p.m. The cost will be $1.50 per game with free shoe rental. Please RSVP so that we can reserve enough lanes.
· Tuesday April 3—Movie at the youth house from 2-4. If you need help getting your teen to this, please let us know.
· Wed. April 4-- Youth house will open at 5:00pm. Please bring $4 for pizza. $2 will go for the cost of the pizza and $2 will go to the
· Thursday April 5—Grand Central will be taking TAG to a minor league baseball game in