- The GCYM Christmas Party will be held at the Herridges’ house this Sunday, Dec. 17, from 5-7 p.m.
- Vanessa Herridge has suggested a “white elephant” gift exchange this year. For this activity, each student will bring 1 wrapped gift to the party. However, they are not allowed to spend any money on it. It must be an item from around their house.
- The meat for the meal will be provided, however we still need people to sign up to bring Appetizers, Potato Dishes, Tossed Salad & Dressing, Salad (other than tossed), Green Vegetables, Vegetables (other than green), Bread, and Desserts.
- Each student is also asked to bring a 2-liter drink to share.
- The deadline for you to sign up for Winterfest OR take names off the list is January 20. See the Winterfest post on the Youth Blog for more details.
- The Powell Dinner and Devo for December will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20.
- Due to the Powell Dinner, there will be no teen class on Dec. 20.
- Due to the Powell Dinner, the Christmas Caroling that we had tentatively discussed with the teen for Dec. 15 is cancelled.
For the most current info, visit the youth blog at: