Friday, June 30, 2006

WorkCamp '06: While You Were Out

CLICK HERE for David Fraze's Lessons from Tuesday and Wednesday Nights ("Legacy" and "The Chair").


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Summer Events Update

Here's the Summer Events Update that is being mailed to your parents this week. Be sure to download the summer calender from the sidebar.


  • Summer Blast Off Party—June 16th—This event is similar to a game night, but is designed specifically to welcome the upcoming 7th graders into the group. This event will be held at the youth house and we request that all teens, with the exception of upcoming 7th graders, bring $3 do help with snacks.
  • Mid-Ohio Valley Workcamp—June 18-23—Sign ups are already closed out on this event and you should already have all of the info. Cost is $60, and more info can be found at
  • Mystery Mission Trip—July 8-14—This trip is the brainchild of our intern, Ryan Ice. Not much can be said in the way of details, because most of them are a part of the “mystery”. However, we can say that it will be similar to the vbs style mission trips the Grand Central Youth Ministry has done in the past. Cost is $25. See Ryan for more details (though he may not tell them to you…it’s a mystery)
  • Mountaineer Christian Youth Camp—July 16-21—We know that there are many camps in the area that are attended by teens from Grand Central. We also know that people tend to be fiercely loyal to the camp they have grown up attending. However, our own minister, Joe Spivy, is the director of this particular camp. Please consider attending Joe’s week of camp for a life changing experience. Cost is $100
  • SonTreasure Island VBS—July 23-26—This is Grand Central’s VBS program for the summer of 2006. We are strongly encouraging our teens to help make this event everything it can be. With all of the skills our teens have developed doing VBS for other churches on mission trips over the years, we should be able to contribute to making GC’s VBS an overwhelming success.
  • New Orleans Mission Trip—July 28-Aug 5—We will be partnering in the hurricane relief work that is being organized by the Tammany Oaks congregation in Mandeville, Louisiana. We will be traveling by charter bus. The cost for this trip is $274 per person. We recommend another $50-$100 for meals during travel and one meal out. Sign Ups are officially closed for this event (but if you or your teen still wanted to go, Adam would probably let you in).

Ongoing Events/Programs

  • Sunday School—Teen classes will continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the youth house for the hour before our worship assemblies.
  • Small Groups—The teens have been split into small groups that will be meeting in host homes for the summer. You should have already received a mailing regarding the details.
  • Wednesday Night Classes—We will continue to meet for class in the youth house on Wednesday Nights. Teens will go to P.T. in the fellowship hall instead of class on the first Wednesday of each month and also when most of the group is on a church related trip.
  • TAG at Powell—Our teens will continue the TAG program at Powell Apartments on Thursday Nights through the summer.